Last Updated: May 16, 2019     Views: 246542

You can access your George Brown email by going to 

To log in, enter your student ID number as your user name, the password is the same as your Stuview password. 

Please check the college's student email page for more information.

If you have trouble logging into your email, please visit the library helpdesk in person; or call our 24/7 tech support: 416-415-5000 x8255; or email our technical help.

Comments (2)

  1. I can access STU-View but am unable to log into the GBC email with the student number and password. Clicking on the 'student email page' link takes me to the email log in page that I can't log into.
    by Grace on May 16, 2019
  2. Hi Grace, in that case you'll need to visit the library helpdesk in person; or call our 24/7 tech support: 416-415-5000 x8255; or email our technical help.
    by Joy Wen on May 16, 2019