Can I play a TED Talk video in class OR embed in Blackboard?


Yes and yes. 

TED Talks Usage Policy (excerpt): "We encourage the TED community, non-profit organizations, bloggers, news media and the like to share TED Talks through social media and to embed individual talks in contextually relevant ways on non-commercial websites using embed code on Non-commercial usage of TED Talks should follow the terms of our specific Creative Commons license Attribution - NonCommercial - NonDerivative (BY-NC-ND) and the guidelines that are listed [on], which may be updated from time to time."

That Creative Commons license Attribution - NonCommercial - NonDerivative (BY-NC-ND) means the following:

Attribution (BY): You reference explicitly TED as the original source of the materials, and TED's logos and visuals as well as those of the TEDTalks sponsors remain untouched and unedited.

NonCommercial (NC): You can't use TED Talks (or any parts of them) for commercial purposes.

NonDerivative (ND): You cannot alter the videos in any way (edit, remix, cut, shorten, add overlays to them, etc.).

These conditions can be modified only by explicit permission of TED Conferences LLC.

NOTE: The above does NOT apply to the use of TED-Ed videos. TED-Ed videos on are made available under YouTube's standard policy, not Creative Commons. However, if you wish to license TED-Ed videos, please fill out TED's media licensing request form.

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2021
  • Views 578
  • Answered By Heather Buffett

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