I have become aware that material from my course has been uploaded to non-GBC websites without approval. What can I do about this?


Some GBC instructors have become aware of their lecture notes, Power Point presentations, tests and other classroom content being posted to external websites that claim to be study aids for students. Prominent among these sites is Course Hero. Material posted to Course Hero without authorisation is an infringement of copyright.

In the United States where a lot of these sites are located the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) requires that hosting websites remove infringing content from the site upon notification from the copyright owner (or their agent). Notification must contain specific information about the content, the owner and the presence of the content on the site. To assist GBC instructors who believe their content has been posted without authorisation, we suggest they follow the sites DMCA takedown instructions OR contacting the copyright office at copyright.help@georgebrown.ca for further information. Instructors need to make sure that they are indeed the owners of the copyrighted materials they are requesting be taken down.

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2021
  • Views 110
  • Answered By Heather Buffett

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