Can I provide Publisher's Value Added Material to students in class or on Blackboard?


It depends.

The value added materials provided by Publishers are available through a license. This license restricts what you can do with these materials.  Unless you have permission to do so, it may be contrary to the terms of use to distribute  PowerPoints and other materials  to students or anyone else. This includes printing or posting to BlackBoard. We ask that you refrain from these practices. If you have already posted the slides we ask that you remove them from BlackBoard.

If you would like to post/print these materials we recommend that you speak to your textbook representative. Request permission to use the material in the manner you require. This is something to keep in mind when adopting a text.

If the text is required for the class you may also provide a link to the Text's website which the students can access with the login found in their textbook.

If you obtain permission please get it in writing (email will suffice) and forward a copy to the Copyright Consultant, Heather Buffett.

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2021
  • Views 183
  • Answered By Heather Buffett

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