What kind of materials can be put on print course reserve in the library?


You can put the following items on course reserve in the library without requesting permission from a copyright holder.

  1. Original works
    • Personal materials of instructors, for which they own the copyright (e.g. assignment questions/solutions).
    • Original print books, textbooks, DVDs, CDs, etc.
  2. Photocopies - Photocopies of articles can be put on reserve that meet the following criteria (as outlined in the George Brown’s Fair Dealing Policy):
    • A request to put the short excerpt on library reserve is made by or on behalf of a faculty member and in respect of a specific course or program of instruction;
    • The number of copies does not exceed the number of students enrolled in the course of instructions;
    • the copy is used only for the purpose of library reserve by students enrolled in the college. 

For more information contact Heather Buffett at hbuffett@georgebrown.ca 

  • Last Updated Sep 18, 2023
  • Views 144
  • Answered By Heather Buffett

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