Is there a difference between posting something on my own website versus posting something on George Brown’s Learning Management System?


Yes, there is a difference.

Posting something on your own website means you are making the work available world-wide. Wide distribution makes relying on fair dealing more complicated and use like this is not generally covered by any College licences. By contrast, George Brown’s learning management systems are password protected; secure websites accessible only by students. In some cases, posting material on George Brown’s learning management systems will be covered by one of the College’s electronic subscriptions or by the College’s Fair Dealing Policy. In other cases, you may need to obtain permission from the copyright owner. The key thing to remember is just because you have permission to post on a learning management system doesn’t mean you have permission to post it to your own personal website.

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2021
  • Views 85
  • Answered By Heather Buffett

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